Source code for vulyk.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Every project must have a package called `utils`."""
import os
import sys
from http import HTTPStatus
from itertools import islice
from typing import Iterator, Optional, Dict, Generator, Tuple

import flask
from flask import abort, Response

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

from vulyk.models.user import User

__all__ = [

[docs]def resolve_task_type(type_id: str, tasks: Dict, user: User): """ Looks for `type_id` in TASK_TYPES map. :param type_id: ID of the TaskType in the map. :type type_id: str :param tasks: map of `task type id -> task type instance` :type tasks: Dict[str, vulyk.models.task_types.AbstractTaskType] :param user: Current user. :type user: User :returns: Correct TaskType instance or throws an exception. :rtype: vulyk.models.task_types.AbstractTaskType """ task_type = None if not (type_id and type_id in tasks.keys()): abort(HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) elif not user.is_eligible_for(type_id): abort(HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN) else: task_type = tasks[type_id] return task_type
# Borrowed from elasticutils
[docs]def chunked(iterable: Iterator, n: int) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]: """Returns chunks of n length of iterable If len(iterable) % n != 0, then the last chunk will have length less than n. Example: >>> chunked([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2) [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5,)] :param iterable: Source we need to chop up. :type iterable: Iterator :param n: Slice length :type n: int :returns: Sequence of tuples of given size. :rtype: Generator[Tuple, None, None] """ iterable = iter(iterable) while 1: t = tuple(islice(iterable, n)) if t: yield t else: return
[docs]def get_tb() -> Dict: """ Returns traceback of the latest exception caught in 'except' block :return: traceback of the most recent exception """ return sys.exc_info()[2]
[docs]def get_template_path(app: flask.Flask, name: str) -> str: """ Finds the path to the template. :param app: Flask application instance. :type app: flask.Flask :param name: Name of the template. :type name: str :return: Full path to the template. :rtype: str """ for x in app.jinja_loader.list_templates(): for folder in app.config.get('TEMPLATE_BASE_FOLDERS', []): if folder and os.path.join(folder, 'base', name) == x: return x return 'base/%s' % name
[docs]def json_response(result: Dict, errors: Optional[Iterator] = None, status: int = HTTPStatus.OK) -> Response: """ Handy helper to prepare unified responses. :param result: Data to be sent :type result: Dict :param errors: List (set, tuple, dict) of errors :type errors: Optional[Iterator] :param status: Response http-status :type status: int :returns: Jsonified response :rtype: flask.Response """ if not errors: errors = [] data = json.dumps({ 'result': result, 'errors': errors}) return flask.Response( data, status, mimetype='application/json', headers=[ ('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'), ('Pragma', 'no-cache'), ('Expires', '0'), ])
NO_TASKS = json_response({}, ['There is no task having type like this'], HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND)