Source code for vulyk.control

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
from typing import AnyStr, List, Tuple

import click
from veryprettytable import VeryPrettyTable, ALL

from import TASKS_TYPES, app
from vulyk.cli import (
    admin as _admin,
    batches as _batches,
    db as _db,
    groups as _groups,
    project_init as _project_init,
    stats as _stats)

[docs]def abort_if_false(ctx, param, value) -> None: if not value: ctx.abort() def cli() -> None: """Vulyk UA management CLI""" pass @cli.command('run') def run() -> None: """Start vulyk""" # region Admin'admin') def admin() -> None: """Manages admin users""" pass @admin.command('list') def admin_list() -> None: """List admin users""" _admin.list_admin() @admin.command('add') @click.argument('email') def admin_add(email: str) -> None: """Mark user as admin""" _admin.toggle_admin(email, True) @admin.command('remove') @click.argument('email') def admin_remove(email: str) -> None: """Unmark user as admin""" _admin.toggle_admin(email, False) # endregion Admin # region DB (export/import)'db') def db() -> None: """Commands to manage DB""" pass @db.command('load') @click.argument('task_type', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys())) @click.argument('path', type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True, resolve_path=True), nargs=-1) @click.option('--meta', multiple=True, type=(str, str), help='Override meta information for the batch') @click.option('--batch', default=app.config['DEFAULT_BATCH'], callback=lambda ctx, param, value: _batches.validate_batch( ctx, param, value, app.config['DEFAULT_BATCH'] ), help='Specify the batch id tasks should be loaded into') def load( task_type: str, path: str, meta: Tuple[str, str], batch: str ) -> None: """Refills tasks collection from json.""" task_type_obj = TASKS_TYPES[task_type] count = _db.load_tasks(task_type_obj, path, batch) if batch is not None and count > 0: _batches.add_batch( batch_id=batch, count=count, task_type=task_type_obj, default_batch=app.config['DEFAULT_BATCH'], batch_meta=dict(meta) ) @db.command('export') @click.argument('task_type', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys())) @click.argument('path', type=click.Path(file_okay=True, writable=True, resolve_path=True)) @click.option('--batch', default=app.config['DEFAULT_BATCH'], type=click.Choice(_batches.batches_list() + ["__all__"]), help='Specify the batch id from which tasks should be exported. ' 'Passing __all__ will export all tasks of a given type') @click.option('--export-all', 'export_all', default=False, is_flag=True) def export( task_type: str, path: str, batch: str, export_all: bool ) -> None: """Exports answers to chosen tasks to json.""" _db.export_reports(TASKS_TYPES[task_type], path, batch, not export_all) # endregion DB (export/import) # region Group'group') def group() -> None: """Groups management section""" pass @group.command('list') def group_show() -> None: for g in _groups.list_groups(): click.echo(g) @group.command('add') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify string code (letters, numbers, underscores)', callback=_groups.validate_id) @click.option('--description', prompt='Provide a short description (up to 200 characters)') def group_add(gid: str, description: str) -> None: _groups.new_group(gid, description) @group.command('del') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify the group you want to remove', type=click.Choice(_groups.get_groups_ids())) @click.option('--yes', is_flag=True, callback=abort_if_false, expose_value=False, prompt='Are you sure you want to remove the group?') def group_remove(gid: str) -> None: _groups.remove_group(gid) @group.command('assign') @click.option('--username', prompt='Provide the username') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify the group you want to assign', type=click.Choice(_groups.get_groups_ids())) def group_assign_to(username: str, gid: str) -> None: _groups.assign_to(username, gid) @group.command('resign') @click.option('--username', prompt='Provide the username') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify the group you want to resign the user from', type=click.Choice(_groups.get_groups_ids())) def group_resign_to(username: str, gid: str) -> None: _groups.resign(username, gid) @group.command('addtype') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify group\'s id', type=click.Choice(_groups.get_groups_ids())) @click.option('--task_type', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys()), prompt='Provide the task type name') def group_addtype(gid: str, task_type: str) -> None: _groups.add_task_type(gid, task_type=task_type) @group.command('deltype') @click.option('--gid', prompt='Specify group\'s id', type=click.Choice(_groups.get_groups_ids())) @click.option('--task_type', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys()), prompt='Provide the task type name') def group_deltype(gid: str, task_type: str) -> None: _groups.remove_task_type(gid, task_type=task_type) # endregion Group # region Bootstrapping @cli.command('init') @click.argument('allowed_types', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys()), nargs=-1) def project_init(allowed_types: List[AnyStr]) -> None: """ Bootstrapping :type allowed_types: List[AnyStr] """ if len(allowed_types) == 0: raise click.BadParameter('Please specify at least ' 'one default task type') _project_init(allowed_types) # endregion Bootstrapping # region Stats'stats') def stats() -> None: """Commands to show some stats""" pass @stats.command('batch') @click.option('-n', '--batch_name', 'batch_name', type=click.Choice(_batches.batches_list())) @click.option('-t', '--task_type', 'task_type', type=click.Choice(TASKS_TYPES.keys())) def batch(batch_name: str, task_type: str) -> None: """ Prints out some numbers which describe the state of tasks in certain batch """ headers = ['Batch', 'Total', 'Completed (flag)', 'Percent (flag)', 'Answers', 'Percent (answers)', 'Breakdown (answers: tasks)'] pt = VeryPrettyTable(headers) pt.align = 'l' pt.left_padding_width = 1 pt.hrules = ALL for k, v in _stats.batch_completeness(batch_name, task_type).items(): values = [k, v['total'], v['flag'], '{:5.1f} %'.format(v['flag_percent']), v['answers'], '{:5.1f} %'.format(v['answers_percent']), v['breakdown']] pt.add_row(values) print(pt) # endregion Stats