Source code for vulyk.blueprints.gamification.models.state

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Contains all DB models related to aggregated user state within the game
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterator, Type

from bson import ObjectId
from flask_mongoengine import Document
from mongoengine import (
    IntField, ComplexDateTimeField, ReferenceField, ListField,

from vulyk.models.user import User
from .rules import RuleModel
from ..core.state import UserState

__all__ = [

[docs]class StateSortingKeys(Enum): """ The intent of this enum is to keep different sorting options shortcuts. """ POINTS = 0 ACTUAL_COINS = 1 POTENTIAL_COINS = 2 LEVEL = 3
[docs]class UserStateModel(Document): user = ReferenceField(document_type=User, required=True, unique=True) level = IntField(min_value=0, default=0) # As for mongoengine 0.17.0 the min_value parameter governs not the field # value only, but every influx value as well. # E.g. the field has value of Decimal(100) and one wants to decrease by 1. # The change mutates from points__dec: Decimal(1) # to points__inc: Decimal(-1), and then the value Decimal(-1) # is validated against self.min_value = 0. # Even if the result is supposed to be 99, validation will fail as -1 < 0. points = DecimalField(default=0) actual_coins = DecimalField(default=0, db_field='actualCoins') potential_coins = DecimalField(default=0, db_field='potentialCoins') achievements = ListField( field=ReferenceField(document_type=RuleModel, required=False)) last_changed = ComplexDateTimeField( db_field='lastChanged', default=datetime.utcnow) meta = { 'collection': 'gamification.userState', 'allow_inheritance': True, 'indexes': [ 'user', 'last_changed' ] }
[docs] def to_state(self) -> UserState: """ DB-specific model to UserState converter. It isn't supposed to dig out what's been buried once, yet this method is really useful for tests. :return: New UserState instance :rtype: UserState """ return UserState( user=self.user, level=self.level, points=self.points, actual_coins=self.actual_coins, potential_coins=self.potential_coins, achievements=[r.to_rule() for r in self.achievements if hasattr(r, "to_rule")], last_changed=self.last_changed )
[docs] @classmethod def from_state( cls, state: UserState ): """ UserState to DB-specific model converter. :param state: Source user state :type state: UserState :return: New model instance :rtype: UserStateModel """ return cls( user=state.user, level=state.level, points=state.points, actual_coins=state.actual_coins, potential_coins=state.potential_coins, achievements=RuleModel.objects( id__in=[ for r in state.achievements.values()]), last_changed=state.last_changed )
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_create_by_user( cls, user: User ) -> UserState: """ Returns an existing UserStateModel instance bound to the user, or a new one if didn't exist before. :param user: Current User model instance :type user: User :return: UserState instance :rtype: UserState """ try: state_model = cls.objects.get(user=user) except cls.DoesNotExist: state_model = cls.objects.create(user=user) return state_model.to_state()
[docs] @classmethod def update_state( cls, diff: UserState ) -> None: """ Prepares and conducts an atomic update query from passed diff. :param diff: State object contains values that are to be changed only. :type diff: UserState :rtype: None """ update_dict = {'set__last_changed': diff.last_changed} if diff.level > 0: update_dict['set__level'] = diff.level if diff.points > 0: # DON'T PUT YOUR BLAME ON ME # update_dict['inc__points'] = float(diff.points) if diff.actual_coins != 0: # ALL YOUR DECIMALS ARE BELONG TO US update_dict['inc__actual_coins'] = float(diff.actual_coins) if diff.potential_coins != 0: update_dict['inc__potential_coins'] = float(diff.potential_coins) if len(diff.achievements) > 0: update_dict['add_to_set__achievements'] = \ cls.from_state(diff).achievements cls.objects.get(user=diff.user).update(**update_dict)
[docs] @classmethod def get_top_users( cls, limit: int, sort_by: StateSortingKeys ) -> Iterator[UserState]: """ Enumerates over top users basing on passed sorting criteria and limiting number. The yield sorting is descending. :param limit: Top limit :type limit: int :param sort_by: Criteria enumeration item :type sort_by: StateSortingKeys :return: An iterator :rtype: Iterator[UserState] """ yield from map( lambda state_model: state_model.to_state(), cls.objects().order_by('-%s' % )
def __str__(self) -> str: return 'UserStateModel({model})'.format(model=str(self.to_state())) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self)
[docs] @classmethod def withdraw( cls, user: User, amount: Decimal ) -> bool: """ Reflects money withdrawal from current account. :param user: User to perform the action on. :type user: User :param amount: Money amount (ONLY positive) :type amount: Decimal :raise: - RuntimeError – if amount is negative :return: True if needed amount was successfully withdrawn :rtype: bool """ if amount <= 0: raise RuntimeError('Donation amount should be positive') update_dict = {'dec__actual_coins': amount} return cls.objects(user=user, actual_coins__gte=amount) \ .update(**update_dict) == 1
[docs] @classmethod def transfer_coins_to_actual( cls, uid: ObjectId, amount: Decimal ) -> bool: """ :param uid: Current user ID :type uid: ObjectId :param amount: Money amount :type amount: Decimal :return: True if success :rtype: bool """ result = cls \ .objects(user=uid, potential_coins__gte=amount) \ .update_one(inc__actual_coins=amount, dec__potential_coins=amount) return result == 1